Zaradi nameravane ruske priključitve zasedenih ukrajinskih ozemelj, na katerih se nahaja tudi jedrska elektrarna Zaporožje, je 4. oktobra 2022 potekal četrti izredni sestanek skupine evropskih organov za jedrsko varnost (angleško European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group – ENSREG), kjer so obravnavali jedrsko varnost v jedrski elektrarni Zaporožje. Skupina ENSREG je na sestanku uskladila izjavo v zvezi z jedrsko varnostjo na območju pod rusko zasedbo, in sicer glede regij Lugansk, Doneck, Zaporožje in Herson. Izjava podarja, da je ukrajinski Energoatom edini legitimni obratovalec jedrske elektrarne Zaporožje, in da je ukrajinski upravni organ za jedrsko varnost edini pristojen v Ukrajini, zato morajo biti vse jedrske dejavnosti pod njegovim nadzorom. Izjava poziva rusko stran naj ne ovira dela ukrajinskega osebja v elektrarni in jim omogoči normalno delo. Obenem poudarja, da je za varnost elektrarne nujna nemotena dobava električne energije, zato se je treba izogniti odklopu elektrarne od ukrajinskega električnega omrežja.
Izjava (v angleščini)
Statement on the Safety of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine On 04 October 2022, ENSREG held a fourth extraordinary meeting via videoconference to assess the nuclear safety situation in Ukraine and the implications of the Russian Federation’s attempted illegal annexation of the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson for the safety of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. In particular, ENSREG: - Expresses its deep concern over the continued precarious situation with regard to nuclear safety at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP) due to Russia’s actions in and around the site. - Reiterates that Energoatom is the only legitimate licensee of the ZNPP and that the plant has to be operated as per license conditions and in accordance with Ukrainian legal and regulatory requirements, under the supervision of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU). The SNRIU must be able to perform its regulatory functions freely. - Stresses that the operation of, or any other safety related activities at the ZNPP not authorized by the SNRIU is illegal under the international legal framework on nuclear safety. - Underscores that the recent detention of the Director General of the ZNPP by the Russian forces directly jeopardizes the safety of ZNPP1 . It calls on the Russian Federation to place no obstacles to the management and staff of the plant in exercising their duties, to routine staff rotation or to the continuity of supplies and spare parts to the plant. - Reminds that uninterrupted off-site power supply from the Ukrainian grid is essential for ensuring the safety of ZNPP and that it is therefore important that further disconnections from the Ukrainian grid are avoided. ENSREG firmly supports the efforts of the IAEA Director General in regard to nuclear safety, security, and safeguards in Ukraine and asks that the IAEA presence at the ZNPP site be reinforced as soon as the security situation on site so permits. ENSREG stands by the Ukrainian nuclear safety regulator and its staff, and the Ukrainian personnel at ZNPP who continue to operate under extremely difficult circumstances. We are ready to provide support as needed. ENSREG considers that the Russian Federation’s illegal seizure of the ZNPP and its actions in and around the site is the root cause of the current threats to nuclear safety there and that the risks of nuclear incidents will remain high as long as the Russian Federation remains present at the ZNPP site. Consequently, ENSREG calls for the withdrawal of the Russian forces and their military equipment from the ZNPP and for the plant to be handed back without delay to its rightful owner, under the supervision of the Ukrainian nuclear safety authorities.